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Event Rental Reservation Form

For Events, please provide your contact and other information below:

Event Rental Reservation Form
Point of Contact:
Point of Contact:
Type of Event:
Area of Interest:

Rates and Fees for Facility Rental:

Fees may be assessed for setup and breakdown outside time allotted. 

  1. Multipurpose Room
  2. Lobby
  3. Theatre (Indoor)
  4. Atrium
  5. Courtyard
  6. Garden
  7. Theatre (Outdoor)

Half Day Rates:
(4 HRS between 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM) Includes Maintenance Fee


Day Rates:
(8:00 AM – 4:00 PM)
Include Maintenance Fee 


Evening Rates:
(5:00 PM – 10:00 PM)
Includes Maintenance Fee


Rates and Fees for Equipment:


  • Admin Sound includes two (2) microphones; two (2) speakers.
  • Admin Video Set includes one (1) projector and one (1) screen.
  • Additional Microphones.
  • Tables 6′ x 4′ Rectangular, White



Rates and Fees for Government and Nonprofit Organizations:

  • To be eligible for Government rate, the organization seeking to avail of these rates must have valid government purchase order or other form of payment authorization.
  • To be eligible for Non-Profit rate, please provide a copy of your tax-exempt certificate from local Department of Revenue and taxation or IRS. The facility usage must be related to the mission of the Government program or non-profit, and 3) not resell, transfer, or gift to others. 

Event Confirmation, Required Forms, Deposit, And Payment:

  • A signed contract must be received to reserve your date(s) and time(s) with a deposit of 50%, the balance is due on the day of your event. No terms are implied or granted, and no work will be allowed to commerce until full payment is received. 
  • Acceptable Payment forms: Cash, and Checks. Checks should be made out to the Guam Museum Fund. 
  • No refunds of the space rental fees will be paid out one (1) week before the event. 

Facility Usage including Loading/Unloading and Storage:

  • Visitor, Renter or Vendor shall comply with museum guidelines.
  • Visitor, Renter or Vendor shall ensure premises and content is handled with care, respect, cleaned, and returned in good condition.
  • It is the responsibility of the renter to provide adequate and qualified staff for their event, inclusive of security/crowd control. 
  • It is not the responsibility of the DCA/GM to ensure that deliveries/pickups are schedule and executed efficiently. 
  • All decorating and set up must be coordinated with the DCA/GM staff, additional fees may be assessed.
  • Drilling of walls or attachments that may damage the facility walls, floors or ceilings are prohibited.
  • Renter must remove all decorations, trash, and recyclables from the site upon the completion of event (if multiple days, trash shall be removed each day.)
  • It is the renter’s responsibility to see that any third-party agreements regarding decorations/trash removal are enforced and failure to remove decorations/trash may incur additional fees when the balance is due. 
  • All unloading and loading must take place within the designated timeframe and location as directed by the DCA/GM. If there is an event prior to yours, a timed delivery may be required.
  • All excess material (such as bubble wrap, boxes, hangers, plastic, etc…) created as a result of any deliveries must be removed and disposed of by the renter and/or their vendors.
  • Outside food and beverages are allowed, however cooking is not allowed.
  • Equipment to be used must be free of leaks and in safe operating condition. Equipment requiring water or electricity must also be coordinated with the GM staff to ensure availability and/or safety. 


  • The DCA/GM reserves the right to immediately expel anyone from the premises and/or terminate tour or event to include forfeiture of any admission, event space fees and/or deposits who in its judgment is:
    1. Participating in any act jeopardizing the rights, use permit, or insurability of the DCA/GM or the safety of its staff, guests, and/or building contents.
    2. Intoxicated or under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
    3. Expressing threats and/or violence of any kind.
    4. Handling, damaging Guam’s artifacts and remnants in any way.
    5. Unsupervised children and under-aged minors.
    6. Illegal consumption or serving of alcohol to minors on the premises at any time.
    7. Non-compliance with any/all applicable Territorial and Federal laws.
    8. Conducting illegal activities in and/or around the premises.
    9. Smoking or vaping of any kind is not allowed in the building or within 20 feet of any entrances and physical violence or disorderly behavior will not be tolerated. 

Promotional Material:

  • It is important to us that you a successful event. Should the DCA/GM be engaged in the promotion or co-production of your event, it is imperative that we approve all marketing messages and communications prior to publication. Please note that the DCA/GM logo is copyrighted and will require written approval for its use.


  • Visitor, Renter or Vendor agrees with the signing of this contract to indemnify and hold the Department of CHamoru Affairs (DCA), Guam Museum (GM) management, staff, and agents harmless of and from any liabilities, costs, penalties, or expenses arising out of and/or resulting from the rental and use of the premises, including but not limited to personal safety, personal guarantee of provision, service, and dispensing of payment by renter, its employees, and other designated agents. 
  • The DCA/GM is not responsible for checking in or handling any items brought into the venue by the visitor, renter or their vendors and assumes no liability for damage or loss of such items.
  • The DCA/GM assumes no responsibility for personal effects and possessions left on premises before, during or after any tour or event. Recovered items will be held for maximum of 30 days. Lost and found logs are maintained at the admissions desk and can be accessed during regular operating hours.
  • The breach of any term or condition contained in this rental agreement shall not be considered to be a waiver of any subsequent terms related to that same term or condition or of any other term contained herein. In the event that any portion of this rental agreement shall be held invalid, for whatever reason, then such invalidation of said portion shall not invalidate the remaining terms of this rental agreement and the same shall remain in full force and effect. 


  • This rental agreement contains the entire agreement between the parties and cannot be changed or modified except by a written instrument no less than seven (7) business days prior to the event.

We trust that this agreement, its terms, and conditions are in order. 

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