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Our mission is to foster a greater understanding of the CHamoru culture and the art, history, and natural environment of Guam.

Para u fitme i kinemprenden i kottura yan i atten fina’tinas CHamoru, i hestoria yan i guinahan i uriyan Guahan.
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We envision a future where all people understand and celebrate Guam’s cultural heritage and natural history, and use that knowledge to ensure the future. Core values drive an institution’s strategy and decisions and contribute in a definitive manner to its success. The very culture of the organization is determined by its values and philosophy.

In lili’e’ un sagan tiningo’ Guam  ni’ ha silelebra i kottura, I kostumbre, I atte yan fina’tinas, I hestoria yan I naturåt siha gi uriya sigon gi  idukasion yan gineftao I taotao  na prugråma ni’ siña manayuda  muna’kahulo’  I kotturan respetu (Inafa’maolek) yan u eppok i manmamaila’ na henerasion.
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the Guam Museum Foundation, Inc. (GMFI) is recognized as a non-profit charity organization guided by a Board of Directors composed of philanthropic leaders.  The GMFI is one of the most important volunteer bodies affiliated with the Senator Antonio M. Palomo Guam Museum and Chamorro Educational Facility as it serves as the primary vehicle for enlisting resources in-kind and monetary support.

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