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Save the date - this year’s Prugråman Sinipok or Adult Chamoru Immersion Program is scheduled to take place in Guam from July 7-19, 2025.

Prugråman Sinipok or Adult Chamoru Immersion Program

Prugråman Sinipok or Adult Chamoru Immersion Program
Save the date – this year’s Prugråman Sinipok or Adult Chamoru Immersion Program is scheduled to take place in Guam from July 7-19, 2025. This will be the fourth year for this program which is organized entirely by volunteers. Follow Prugråman Sinipok on social media or check out their website at for more updates as registration will begin before the end of this month and an informational friend will be held next week.

Here are some images from the 2022 and 2023 years of the program.

If you enjoy the work the Guam Museum is doing, consider making a donation to the Guam Museum.

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