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In the Marianas, there are two seasons, Fañomåkan or the dry season and Fanuchånan or the rainy season

In the Marianas, there are two seasons, Fañomåkan or the dry season and Fanuchånan or the rainy season.

In the Marianas, there are two seasons, Fañomåkan or the dry season and Fanuchånan or the rainy season
In the Marianas, there are two seasons, Fañomåkan or the dry season and Fanuchånan or the rainy season.

The Ancient Chamoru calendar has several months during Fanuchånan whose names reflect the weather, such as “Lumåmlam” meaning lighting and “Tenhos” meaning stormy or angry. Two of the ancient months during this period also refer to activities common during Fanuchånan such as “Fangguålo’” or the time to plant and “Sumongsong” meaning the time to stay in the village or stay indoors (and do things such as mend nets).

Sometimes Fanuchånan brings flooding, such as in this image of Hagåtña, Guam flooded in the pre-World War II years.

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